Our Solutions

Stanley Campbell believes in a better Florida.

From protecting Medicare, ensuring affordable healthcare, housing, and a quality education that respects our national history, to safeguarding and securing equal freedoms and justice under the law, Stanley is committed to building that better Florida for all, so no one feels left behind.

Proposing innovative solutions to address the pressing issues of our time, his track record of successful advocacy for affordable housing, veteran support, and small business growth demonstrates his dedication to improving the lives of all Floridians.
Medical and Healthcare

Protecting and Expanding Medicare

Using proprietary technology, Stanley’s national healthcare technology company has prevented over half a trillion dollars of Medicare fraud, $120 million per DAY. Those are dollars that can be used to save and expand this vital federal program for the 4.9 million Floridians currently enrolled.

Prioritizing Women's Health as Family Health

A woman’s health directly impacts the health of her family. Protecting women’s healthcare choices including the sovereignty women have over their own bodies, and how we preventatively keep mothers and infants healthy and lower maternal and infant mortality rates, particularly for low income and minority families, is a top priority.

Improving Access to Affordable, Quality Healthcare

Access to affordable, quality healthcare through the federal government’s insurance exchange is critical for Floridians. Stanley will work diligently to expand coverage and combat any efforts to repeal the ACA. He will also work to keep costs down for life-saving medications, increase access to culturally sensitive care for our minority and low income families and rural communities, and work to expand coverage for at-home monitoring for prenatal care and those experiencing cardiovascular and endocrinological issues.
Social Security

Preserving Social Security

Preserving the integrity of programs like Social Security, along with Medicare, for our current seniors and for generations to come is one of Stanley’s highest priorities. Unlike his opponent who sought to sunset these vital federal programs, Stanley will fight to secure the commitment our country made to caring for our older citizens.

Enhanced Cost of Living Adjustments

Stanley will work to enhance benefits for seniors in Florida so they receive the financial support they need for a comfortable retirement. He will support efforts to adjust social security benefits to keep pace with the rising cost of living.

Expanded Access for Healthcare and Prescriptions

Stanley will explore all options for expanding access to affordable healthcare and prescription drug coverage for those on social security.

Small Businesses Development

Florida ranks second in terms of the best states for entrepreneurship. According to the Small Business Administration (SBA), there were close to 3 million small businesses in Florida in 2020 employing over 3.5 million people. Providing tax incentives, investing in infrastructure, and working to expand access to both private and public capital to help these businesses succeed are the keys to spurring job growth and expanding our economy.

Tackling Our Housing and Insurance Crises

According to a 2022 Florida Housing Coalition report there were only 25 affordable rental units in Florida for every 100 extremely low-income renters, and over 27,000 unhoused individuals and 90,000 students without permanent housing in our state. Moreover, when they do secure housing, more than 2.1 million low-income Florida households pay more than 30% of their incomes for a roof over their heads. More than a million of them spend more than 50% of their earnings. Tackling the housing and insurance crises to reduce housing costs for all Floridians is an imperative.

Livable Wages, Good Job Opportunities, Access to Technology and Affordable Food

Florida’s cost of living is one of the highest in the nation. Bringing good jobs to our State that provide a livable wage by creating innovations in workforce training that attract all levels of jobs here is a priority. Investing in upgrading digital infrastructure for high-speed internet accessibility and affordability for everyone is also important. Helping to keep the cost of herbicides and pesticides down for farmers will also help keep locally grown food affordable for Floridians.
Campbell for Senate Vets

Military Pay and Promotions

Our service personnel ask only two things from us in return for their service, their pay and promotions, because they depend on them to take care of their families. Stanley will work to ensure that their best interests are not bargained with nor stalled in Congress.

Veterans’ Access to Quality Healthcare, Housing and Jobs

As a veteran, Stanley understands the importance of access to the best medical care, education, housing and job opportunities, particularly for veterans living in rural communities.

Modernized Equipment and Infrastructure

Stanley is committed to investing in modernizing our military’s equipment and infrastructure to keep pace with evolving security issues is key to minimizing threats for our active duty military personnel.

Funding Public Education and Increased Teacher Pay

Education is the key to economic opportunity and community development. Stanley will advocate for increased funding for public schools and promote policies that reduce class sizes, increase teacher pay in order to attract and retain qualified teachers.

Student Loan Debt Relief

Stanley will work to tie student loan debt relief to a federal jobs program, and to broaden loan forgiveness and refinancing options. Stanley also will push for an expansion in access to grants and scholarships, trade schools and financial literacy programs which will help our youth develop critical skills without endangering their financial future.

Promoting Vocational Training

Stanley will advocate for scholarships for and funding of vocational training programs to equip students with the skills needed for high-demand and good paying jobs.

Justice Reform

According to a University of Chicago report, the U.S. has the highest incarceration rate in the world with 2.3 million Americans behind bars. Stanley will work to promote a common sense approach to rehabilitation instead of incarceration.

Diversion Programs as an Alternative to Incarceration

According to the National Institute of Corrections recidivism rates for youth offenders are significantly reduced when Diversion Programs are utilized rather than incarceration and may lead to long-term improved safety for communities. Stanley will support the expansion of diversion programs that have demonstrated efficacy in reducing recidivism.

Mental Health Resources

Nationwide, the percentage of individuals suffering from mental health disorders is higher in incarcerated populations than in the general population. According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, two out of every five prisoners suffers from a mental illness, yet access to treatment in prisons remains challenging. Stanley will advocate for greater access in order to avoid incarceration and reduce recidivism.
